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Military losses from 1939–1945, totaling 10.7 million, include 7.7 million killed or missing in action and 2.6 million POW dead, out of 5.7 million total POW captured, plus 400,000 paramilitary and Soviet partisan losses.
The research by Overmans concluded that German military dead and missing were 5,318,0000.6
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[hide]Human Losses of The Third Reich in World War II (Included in above figures)
Country Population
1939 Military
deaths Civilian
deaths Jewish
deaths Total
deaths Deaths as
% of 1939
Austria 6,653,000 261,000 58,700 65,000 384,700 5.8
Germany 1937 Borders 69,310,000 4,456,000 865,000
to 2,284,000 160,000 5,481,000 to 6,900,000 7.9 to 9.9
Ethnic Germans other nations 7,292,000 601,000 200,000 to 886,000 801,000 to 1,487,000
tals for USSR in borders of June 1941 196,716,000 8,800,000 to 10,700,000 15,163,000 to 13,263,000 2,472,000 26,600,000 13.5